If you’re thinking about selling your home, you may be wondering: what time of year is the best time to do so? Although a good real estate agent can sell a house during any season, there are definitely certain months of the year that are better than others for various reasons, and you are likely to get higher offers during these months. In the Pacific Northwest (PNW), this couldn’t be truer. Here in Seattle, we get every season. Fall and winter months are dark, wet, and dreary; whereas summer months are warmer and sunnier. One would think that weather alone dictates whether the selling is good or bad, but there are a number of other factors to be aware of as well. Here’s what you need to know.


1.    Avoid Winter Months

In addition to winter in the PNW being extremely dark and chilly, people are not usually jumping the gun to buy a house during this time of year. The holidays are a very busy and stressful time for most people, and most aren’t about to add the stress of buying a home on top of that.  Plus, the dreary weather will not give your home any cosmetic advantages, as even the best photographer cannot do much to combat rain, snow, and poor lighting.


2.  Spring: Prime Selling Months

Many people mentally hit the reset button on their lives in January, and often make a new year’s resolutions to move or find a better home. The idea of a fresh year gets people motivated and looking to buy. It typically takes people in this boat some time to get organized, get their finances in order, and find the right real estate agent. So, by the time March comes around, there are an abundance of buyers out there looking for their dream home. With a higher demand for housing, sellers will typically receive more offers and will yield a better result.  Additionally, PNW houses sold during spring months see the least amount time on the market, and are sold two weeks faster, on average. This means less stress for you, and allows you more time to look for your new home. Besides spring attracting potential buyers who are done hibernating, it is also the time of year when flowers begin to bloom and gray skies turn blue and sunny. It is shocking how much a bright backdrop can cosmetically boost your home’s appearance.


3.    Selling in the Summer: July & August

Home prices peak around the month of June, bringing an end to the busy selling season. Summer months- July and August, are typically not amazing months to list your home for sale. One of the main reasons for this is because buyers with families prefer not to disrupt their family’s schedule. Summer means no school for children, and many families take vacations during these months. This is also a popular time of year for real estate agents to take time off after a busy spring selling season. However, there is a market for families who are relocating and therefore prefer to make their move during summer months in order to avoid pulling their children from their school before the school year is over. Your home may not get a frenzy of buyers competing to buy your home, but these months will also give your home more cosmetic appeal than winter will.


4.    Fall Months: September & October

These months are often referred to as the “secondary bump”. This marks the time of year starting right after Labor Day right up until the winter holiday season starts. During these fall months, people have returned home from their summer vacations, their kids are back in school, and they have had just enough time to return to normal, meaning they are ready to return to the rhythm of shopping. Also, people who missed their window of opportunity to buy during the spring will be looking to make a purchase in the fall before the cold weather sets in.
